Brain Injuries

Fighting for justice for victims of brain injuries
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Brain Injuries Attorney In Manhattan & Bronx, New York

What Are Traumatic Brain Injuries?

Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) are some of the most mystifying – and debilitating – injuries that you can suffer. Whether they’re due to a fall, a vehicle accident, or falling debris from a building, these injuries can impact your life forever. Since your brain is a complex web of neural tissue, even neurologists struggle to understand how it functions – and why even a minor bump on the head can impact your thought processes, movement, and emotional control for the rest of your life.

If you’ve suffered a head injury due to another party’s negligence, you need to pursue compensation to cover the lifetime impact such an injury can cause. Our personal injury attorneys have the knowledge and experience to help you get the compensation you deserve. Don’t wait to pursue justice. Contact our legal team today!

Contact Cascione, Purcigliotti & Galluzzi P.C. to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 855-703-2532

What Kinds of Situations Can Cause a Traumatic Brain Injury?

Traumatic brain injuries can occur if you suffer a blow to your head or an injury that penetrates your skull. But they can also occur from a sudden jolt or violent shaking. If you’ve experienced any of these situations, our experienced brain injury attorneys can help. Combining medical expertise from your healthcare providers with an extensive grasp of liability laws, we’ll help you obtain the compensation you deserve. Aggressive in pursuing justice yet compassionate to our clients, our personal injury attorneys have a solid record in pursuing fair settlements for our brain-injured clients. Don’t wait to seek compensation for your injuries. Schedule your initial consultation today.

What Will Happen During the Process?

During your first meeting with your lawyer, we’ll review the facts in your case. If you haven’t begun a journal to tell your side of the story, we’ll ask you to document your memories of the event that caused your injury, as well as the impact it has had on your life. Then, we’ll help you gather evidence to help you prove the other party’s liability for your injury, such as witness statements, building engineers’ reports documenting unsafe conditions, photographic and video evidence, and more. We’ll also help you obtain statements from your doctors that can outline your prognosis, as well as the care and assistance you’ll likely need. Our skilled personal injury attorneys will also prepare you well for the legal side of the process, including sworn depositions, negotiations with the responsible party’s representation, and your testimony at trial, should your case not settle out of court. Our legal team will fight for your rights to just compensation from start to finish. Start your fight for justice today!

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