Workers Compensation

Injured At Work?
Contact Us Today

Workers Compensation Attorney In Manhattan & Bronx, New York

Injured On The Job? Get The Workers’ Comp You Deserve.

Worker’s compensation litigation is a specialized area of legal knowledge that perfectly compliments our personal injury practice. Unlike many firms we handle a client’s Workers compensation claim and any related personal injury litigation under one roof. This is very beneficial because it avoids the inevitable confusion when a person is represented by two different law firms on similar issues.

Contact Cascione, Purcigliotti & Galluzzi P.C. to schedule a consultation with a lawyer today. 855-703-2532

At Cascione, Purcigliotti & Galluzzi P.C., we have a four-decade history of successfully representing thousands of workers seeking compensation for their work related conditions.

Years Of Experience In Workers’ Compensation Law

Robert Purcigliotti has previously served as a judge of the Workers Compensation Board. He has lectured on worker’s rights and hosted a radio show on Worker’s Compensation issues. His expertise includes litigating occupational disease claims such as Mesothelioma, Asbestosis, hearing loss, Silicosis, Pulmonary disease and job related cancers. He is also experienced in pursuing 9/11 claims both at the Compensation Board and under the Zagroda Act.

If one of our clients is found to be permanently disabled we will also file and pursue a Social Security Disability claim and if denied, an appeal.

How Do I Know If I Can File An Occupational Disease Claim?

Everyone knows that if you break a leg at work you file a Workers Compensation claim however many people may have valid occupational disease claims without realizing they are due compensation. If your work placed you in a noisy environment and now you find that your hearing is diminished that can be a case. Similarly if your work exposed you to dust or chemicals and it has affected your breathing you likewise could have a case. We have made many valid claims for work related cancers and heart attacks.

Learn More About Our Workers’ Compensation Services At A Consultation

Our firm keeps a list of respected physicians who accept workers’ compensation coverage and who diagnose and treat work related diseases and injuries. By consulting with us you have the advantage of our network of providers and of our decades of experience in workers’ compensation. Reach us online or by telephone at 855-703-2532 for more information.

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